Sunday, June 16, 2013

3rd & 4th Grade Plus... 1st & 2nd Grade!

In a girls against boys challenge, each team had to see who could filter dirty water the best using coffee filters.

Whoohooo!! I'm smiling right now as I write this latest blog. The LORD is good, and it has been such a blessing to be at King Solomon this summer. We've just finished up 3rd & 4th grade and 1st & 2nd camps, and let me tell you, it has been a great ride!

On Sunday afternoon, 65 youngsters teemed the campgrounds for three days of learning about God and fun-filled activities. The theme for this age group was "Purified." These campers were full of energy, and take my word for it, they were bundles of excitement. Yet aside from the bustling bodies, it was their honesty and their hearts that pulled me in, and I was so blessed to hang out with such great kids. One of my most treasured moments was spent on the ride home from the pool Sunday evening. We rode buses to Solomon for a late night swim, and on our way back, a little boy told me that he was trying really hard to get to heaven. He wanted to learn more about God, and his heart was precious.  Friends, it's these hearts that need seeds planted. It's these hearts that are eager for Truth. It's these hearts that belong to children that will some day lead. Let us not forget the value of time invested in them. It's a truth that I need to be reminded of regularly.

I could use this space to describe the inflatables, water slides, and other recreation activities, but I'm counting on the campers to convey those details . I know they enjoyed their experience here, but more importantly they were loved and valued during their short time at KSCC. I will, however, conclude the 3rd & 4th Grade camp with an illustration that targeted the heart of what it means to be purified. Picture this: 20 or so campers gathered in the chapel basement. Their attention was drawn to a pair of worn out, dirty jeans held up for all to see. There were holes in the knees and dirt nestled in the fibers of the denim. Dan, the speaker, explained that all of us have "pants" in life. We get them dirty, tear holes in them, and ultimately end up with a damaged pair of pants. Much like dirt becomes woven into our jeans, so does sin become woven into our lives.There is nothing we can do alone to make our jeans clean again, and God cannot accept us with our unclean jeans. But, Jesus steps in and takes our grungy jeans for us. In turn, He gives us clean ones instead. It's then that we can be near to God because Jesus has taken away our sin. Hopefully the kids will remember the illustration that was so fitting to the theme "purified." I know I will.

After the 3rd and 4th graders returned home, we had the next group of campers: 1st & 2nd graders. There was a plethora of adult sponsors, which was greatly appreciated as there were over 100 campers. The kids were divided into groups and were given colors to identify their group. They were able to play several water games, sing energized songs, and learn about the Bible. On the second day they acted out stories from the Bible, and they were able to use duct tape to create props. I was able to be a part of the "Green Grasshoppers" who performed a version of Noah's ark. It was wild.

Both camps this week were jam-packed, and I would like to thank all those who helped make these camps happen. As a former camper, I had no idea how much planning and work goes into camp. I would like to thank all deans, staff, and volunteers for serving with such selflessness. If you know anyone who filled any of those roles, please extend a thank-you to them. Praise God for enabling them to come and be a part of KSCC!

In summary, it has been an incredible blessing to be a small part of KSCC this summer. God has heard our prayers and continues to use this camp. I'll leave you with these verses, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

Ephesians 3:20-21
In Him,
Leah Hill
KSCC Communications Liaison 

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