Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kicking Off

Welcome to the King Solomon Christian Camp blog! This year marks the 60th anniversary of King Solomon's existence. It's fair to say that a lot has changed over those 60 years, such as my generation experiencing a technological revolution. Technology changes the way we stay informed and connected. The staff and administration at KSCC would like to provide campers and parents a way to keep in contact with its events and happenings, which now includes a Facebook page, tweets, and a blog.

We are excited to use these vehicles of social media to reach out, connect, and stay connected to those who are involved with King Solomon Christian Camp. This enables the camp to cast its vision beyond the boundaries of the campground. It is our hope to be able to capture the memorable moments of KSCC this summer  and document them through pictures, blog-posts, and more. Here's how you can join in:

Facebook: King Solomon Christian Camp
Twitter: @kingsolomon_cc

The theme for this summer is Detox/Purified: Living a Purified Faith in a Toxic World. This centralized idea that will challenge campers and staff alike is based on James 1:21, which says, "Therefore get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you (NIV)."

As we approach the beginning of camp season, it is our prayer that God would use this time to reach students and impact their lives at King Solomon, like He has done so many other times.

We encourage you to join us in prayer as Day Camp kicks off Saturday June 1st. Stay tuned for more updates as God continues to work through the ministry of King Solomon Christian Camp.


Leah Hill
KSCC Communications Liaison